Sunday, September 10, 2017

Irma Is On The Other Side Of Florida, So What's With Miami?

ABC news
There is standing water in the streets of Miami yet the storm all the way on the other side of Florida.  What's happening?

1.  Florida is 140 miles across.  Irma is over 300 miles wide.  For reference, the storm would stretch from Boston to Syracuse, NY, and from Long Island Sound to the Canada border.

2.  Storm surge.  The winds are so powerful that they are pushing the water into a wall up to 4 or 5 feet high off Miami – and up to 15 feet high along the west coast.  The average elevation in Miami is 6 feet above normal sea level.  And the water is being channeled by the shape of the coastline and squeezed up higher.

3.  Rising sea levels.  Yeah, that thing that Florida Governor Rick Scott doesn’t believe in.  Ice on Greenland is melting and flowing into the oceans.  And, the water is getting warmer.  You know what basic physics has to say about warm things expanding.

Miami already floods at normal high tide.  Irma is not going to fun.

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