Friday, November 8, 2013

Rant: They have eyes, but they do not see. They have ears, but they do not hear.

In yesterday’s paper, there was a ‘humorous’  article about November.  The author joked about how boring the world is, now that everything is ‘brown’.  That’s it.  Brown.  All I can say is that the writer should get off his butt once in a while, open his eyes, and actually SEE.
Looking out my window right now, I can see

This is not outside my window.
amber, amethyst, apple-green, apricot, aquamarine, auburn, auburn, azure, bay, beige, beryl,  bittersweet, blue-green, bottle-green, brick, bronze, bronze, bronze-green, buff, burnt sienna, cantaloupe, carrot, chartreuse, chestnut, chocolate, cinnamon, cocoa, coffee, copper, coral, drab, dun, dust, emerald, fawn, forest-green, fuscous, ginger, glaucous, grass-green, green, hazel, hazel, henna, jade, kelly, khaki, lime, Lincoln green, mahogany, malachite, moss-green, ochre, olive drab, olive-green, aquamarine, emerald, peach, pea-green, pine-green, red-yellow, russet, rust, sage, salmon, sea-green, sepia, snuff-colored, sorrel, spinach-green, tan, tangerine, tawny, terra-cotta, titian, toast, turquoise, umber, verdant, verdigris, viridian, yellow-green

That’s just for a start.  You can easily see more colors in winter – if you actually look – than in summer, when the trees drown out the more subtle colors with their green.
As the man supposedly said, “They have eyes, but they do not see.”

Another rant:  This time, ignorance.   The newspaper included an interview with a deaf man. (He was most emphatic about not being called “hearing-impaired”.  He resents the idea that he is in any way impaired.  He is deaf.)
He was complaining about how his guidance counselor in school treated him as if he were “deaf and dumb”, and told him not to apply to college. 
I guess even deaf people these days don’t know that “dumb” means “silent”.
Early athletes would lift the heaviest weights available – bells.  They would take the clapper off, so they were silent – dumb bells.
Deaf and dumb means no hearing, no speaking.  It does not mean stupid.

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