Friday, September 21, 2018

Wet Day Explorations

Years ago I could always count on innumerable sunny days in September and October.  Then came (climate change).  Now September seems to be the wettest month.

But despite the drear, off we went.  First a walk along the back roads (as if there were any other kind) of Wilmot Flat, NH.  Then up a mountain to find Messer Pond.  Finally, an hour of drifting around on Chase Pond in almost absolute silence.  Even the crickets were subdued.  Peaceful.

This is Nodding Lady's Tresses, a delicate orchid that is blooming along one small part of the shore on Chase Pond.

This is the dread Devil's Beggars-Tick.  The flowers are almost unnoticeable but each seed has 2 sharp points that grab onto your pants and come home with you.

The Heart-Leaved Aster is one of several pale blue aster that are blooming along the side of the road.

The maples are turning.

Look at this one and you can see why its common names include turtle-head, snake-head, codhead, fish mouth, shellflower, snakehead, and snake mouth.

Mushrooms!!  Everywhere!!

The whole world is soggy and rotting this year.
Then we drove (almost straight up) Granite Hill to the Langenau State Forest and Messer Pond.
My car got to enjoy a lot of downshifting coming back.

We wanted to hike the loop around the top of the mountain, but it was too drippy for us in the woods.

A lone female merganser was fishing on the pond

So we came back and spent a few wonderfully peaceful hours drifting on a perfectly still Chase Pond.

The last blueberry.

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