Monday, December 23, 2013

ADHD? Lucky You?

More and more it is being understood that ADHD and some forms of autism are caused by being unable to filter out all of the sensory input that bombards us every second (Yes, us.  Me too).  Read anything written by Temple Grandin to understand more.

Is that a bad thing?  Within bounds, and when we can maintain some control, it is a good thing.  ADHD is a wild horse to ride, but it can be ridden and it will take you places a gentle horse won't.  Sherlock Holmes was not 'normal' in his awareness of the little details.  Holmes as portrayed by Jonny Lee Miller in Elementary (the better of the two current Sherlock Holmes television series, IMHO) does an amazing portrayal of someone with autism.
Jonny Lee Miller as an 
autistic Sherlock Holmes

Successful multi-taskers are aware of more than others.  And throughout our evolutionary history, being more aware of the environment has been a survival factor.  The hunter who was not aware he was being hunted did not have many children.  Today's world, where the amount of input has become increasingly insane, is already weeding out those who can't be aware of where their car is headed while they play with the infotainment center on their dashboard.

And being more aware is what makes some people amazingly creative.  In other words, strange people can be creative people.

Check out Shelley Carson's "The Unleashed Mind:  Why Creative People are Eccentric", an article in Scientific American Mind, May/June 2011 which was reviewed in the latest review to be dropped in my mailbox.

So, am I using this article to explain why I am strange and can't stand loud noises and crowds?  Well, maybe.

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